Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bow Chicka Scuzz Scuzz

So I decided that my boyfriend's office needed a little redecorating via Scuzzing out. After perfectly placing them in visually optimal spots I turned around to see this...A) Where did that weirdo can come from B) I guess he's seen Happy Gilmore one too many times. I forgot to mention that Jonathan works for a post production house, but I think maybe this little guy got the wrong idea about exactly WHAT kind of film productions they are working on there. It actually makes perfect sense though, I mean, he already has he dirty mustache. Hmmmm, maybe I'm onto something here, he may have a promising career in the adult film industry. NOT!!! Over my dead body fools! After thinking it over, I actually decided to take him home, wash his mouth out with soap and put him to bed without dessert or interwebs. That a baaaaaad Scuzz.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Little Scuzz in the Big Apple

So, this photo came courtesy of the newest Scuzzy owner in the Big Apple. Looks like she's made her self at home and had taken the "help yourself to anything" to heart. After a day of sight seeing, buying counterfeit purses on Canal Street, eating street meat until she threw up, and trying her luck at mugging an unsuspecting tourist, little Scuzz has helped herself to a delicious dirty martini...actually extra dirty...

Well, I guess she got a little too dirty with her martinis...After her third of the evening at her new place, she decided to head down to the village to party with the celebs at the Waverly and continued on Chelsea with some trannys she met outside on the corner. After too much glitz, glitter and fake eyelashes, said trannys threw her in the back of the cab and this is how her new owner found her the next morning...silly Scuzzy, dirty martinis are for...well, the rest of us.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

So this is newest transplant to the STL. This little moustachioed Scuzzy is on his way to St. Louis, MO. I guess it really IS a midwest thang. I'm kind of jealous because I'm sure he'll be attending many a Budweiser brewery tours scamming free samples from unsuspecting, underpaid employees. I've also been hearing whispers of a winery trip. I noticed that he packed snack bags of Captain Crunch, a nice slice of Brie and Golden Flake Sweat Heat BBQ chips to smuggle in. Hey, we're in a recession here, I can 't blame him for trying to save a buck. Who pays retail anymore? So it's with a heavy heart and a smile that I send him off. Lacey, make sure you have plastic covers on the couch and watch out for the cling wrap on the toilet trick. I guess he'll have to "show me" what it's like up there. Au revoir sucka!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

See You in September Fools!

Alright Kids, Scuzzy has decided to grace the East Atlanta Strut's with it's presence.  Artists market, 5K, music and a parade.  Look out for new styles, custom Scuzzy's and all around debauchery...stay tuned for more to come!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My New Obssesh

Ok, so since I've been Scuzzing my tush off the past couple of weeks...I needed a short vacay with the fam spot. For brother Jer's b-day we road tripped it to Key West. Enter Baby's Coffee...on th way back we stopped at Baby's Coffee on the way home and-uhh-mah-gahd! Like the best coffee I've ever had. I promptly bought two pounds to bring back to the ATL. I'm actually drinking some at this very moment and slopped some down the front of my So, if you are thinking "Man, Shannon is so witty and with it...I wonder where she gets her witty repartee from?" Try some Baby's a BOSS!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Welcome to the Jungle...

So I was in the middle of an EPIC Roseanne marathon on Oxygen when I heard some mischief coming from the kitchen. I found my custom Lion Scuzzy making a snack out of poor Monster Scuzzy. Maybe if I wasn't such a deadbeat I could pay more attention to the little guys, but between Roseanne's cackle, Aunt Jackie's shennanigans and Darlene's emo mood swings, I was a little distracted. R.I.P Blue Scuzz...I'll pour one for me, and one for my homies.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Don't Want to Say I Told You So, but....I Told You So...

So, this picture was sent to me by the lucky owners of one of the Scuzzys from the Indie Craft Experience last weekend. I hate to say I told you so, wait no I don't, but I told you so. This little sucker wasn't even home for 2 hours before he was caught red(wax) handed in the liquor cabinet. Sorry Josh...I guess make sure you have an ample supply of cheese puffs, online poker, and Tums. You might want to invest in a plastic bucket as well.